Saturday 2 April 2011

Male motorists afflicted with a one track mind

New research from Direct Line car insurance has potentially discovered the reason as to why male drivers are more likely than their female counterparts to be involved in an accident.
Of the male drivers surveyed, 15% confirmed that they found it difficult keeping their eyes on the road when travelling with an attractive passenger.
This is more than twice the proportion (7%) of women who admit to the same problem.
In addition, 49% of male drivers stated that they would engage such a passenger in conversation and 8%, rather alarmingly, confessed that they would have their eyes focused on an area other than the road for a prolonged period of time.
Unsurprisingly, younger drivers are more susceptible to distraction with 24% of 18-25 year olds finding it difficult to focus on the road when with an attractive passenger.
Women, by contrast, are more likely to be distracted by having their mother as a passenger, rather than their boyfriend.
The research findings echo those of The Co-operative Insurance, which in February found that frisky behaviour is one of the biggest distractions being the wheel.

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